Custom Orthotics
Your Feet
Each day your feet absorb hundreds of pounds of pressure and shock. Combining locomotion, shock absorption, postural stability, and durability, the foot carries as much as three times your body’s weight with each step.
Although feet can accommodate many surfaces, there are some that are preferred. Your feet are designed to operate on soft uneven terrain, such as grass and dirt. The shock caused by the impact of your foot against the surface you walk on is a key factor in understanding the importance of proper foot wear. When you walk on hard flat surfaces such as concrete, shock waves travel from your feet to your knees/hips and lower back. Compounding this problem are imbalances in the foot itself. Foot imbalances can contribute to sore feet, bunions, neuromas, corns, calluses, as well as arthritic knee/hip and back pain. The next time you’re at the mall take a look at the feet wearing flip flops, you’ll see pronation (people walking on the inside of their feet) or supination (people walking on the outside of their feet). Excessive foot imbalance can create distortion that continues up the leg into the knee, hips, and low back.
The process of degeneration due to shock and foot imbalance can go on for several years without pain symptoms. However, there is only so much wear and tear that the body can take before it breaks down. Many of these conditions can be prevented or corrected using orthotics. Talk to your chiropractor and read your health insurance plan, as many providers will cover orthotics.
What do Orthotics do?
foot problems and neuromusculoskeletal symptomatology, to alleviate pain and discomfort
from abnormal foot function. Abnormal foot function may affect a patient's kinetic chain,
including legs, knees, hips and spine. Orthotics may be used to improve spinal stabilization and
optimize structure and function.